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Is Your Faith Getting Pushed to the Side?
Inconsistent Bible Reading
Feeling Distant From God
Faith Isn’t a Family Habit
Life is busy and the time flys by. It's easy to push Bible reading off to later, but days pass, and later hasn't come
Without enough time to grow your faith you feel distant from God, weighed down by all the negative emotions life and the enemy bring
Time with your family is missing God. A shared moment with your faith that everyone can enjoy
Why get the bible button?
Compact. Powerful. Effective.
The Bible Button is like having a shelf full of faith-building tools in the palm of your hand. Save time and money, which means more for the people and things that matter to you most

Bible Verses
Hear and grow in your knowledge of scripture

Bible Trivia
Test what you know playing fun trivia with family and friends

Bible Jokes
Laugh with loved ones hearing Bible jokes by Pro comedy writers

Faith Conversation Questions
Having meaningful discussion of your faith with others

Bible Stories
Enjoy short Bible stories from throughout the Bible

Voices & Versions
Change the Bible version to your liking. There is the KJV and WEB, and two voice options for now
- Laugh and learn with your loved ones as you play the expertly-made Bible games. Grow your faith together and build bonds that last a lifetime
- If you can spare 10 seconds a day you can join the 11% of Christians that hear God's word daily. It's so easy you don't even have to think about it
- I'd like you to invest in this because it will bring you closer to God and your loved ones. Of course, only you can decide if it’s right for you
- The best way to know if it’s a good fit for you is to try it. Experience it for 60 days, and if you’re not happy, I’ll buy it back—plus, I’ll even give you a competing product of your choice at no cost to you (See details below)
Simple to Use, Powerful in Your Walk of Faith
Spiritual Growth, One Press Away
With customizable settings and an intuitive app, it’s perfect for hearing whatever you want with ease. Our 24-7 phone support is here to assist anytime as well
Step 1 - Download
Step 2 - Connect
Step 3 - Play
Download the app by scanning the QR code
Connect to your device through the app
Choose what you want and download it to the device
It Will Change Your Life
Service So Good You'll Want To Pay Twice
It was just after Christmas, and we had run out of stock.
The Bible Button wouldn't be back on Amazon for a few days when I received an email from Mrs. Bean. She was determined to get one as a Valentine's Day gift for her husband, who is not the Mr.Bean you're thinking of.
I offered to send her one personally, but before I could, she found one elsewhere for $30 more and purchased it. When I informed her it was from an unauthorized seller using illegal methods, she frantically tried to cancel the order.
Fortunately, she canceled it, and I got the seller taken down. I then shipped her the Bible Button she needed.
To make it extra special, I sent her an eternal rose and a note: "I hope your marriage lasts longer than this rose."
She felt so moved that she wrote back to express her gratitude and even mailed a second check as a thank-you.
My Promise
God guided me to create the Bible Button to help you grow closer to Him. If it doesn’t serve you, I'll make things right. For 60 days, I'll buy it back. And if you contact our email support after mailing it back, I'll buy you one of the competing products of your choice from our list that are up to $32.99 in price—at no cost to you. Watch the video for details(Limit to one use per customer.)
Crafted by a Team of Experts on Theology and Learning
CEO Corey Wratchford
The founder who was led by God to start Talking Cross and lead you closer to God. He brought this team together to give you the best
Dr. Rance Settle
With 18 years as a Senior Pastor and a Doctor in Ministry Rance helped to craft the Bible trivia and ensured biblical accuracy
Rita Meneses Ph.D
Rita applied her Ph.D in psychology to structure the conversation questions so you have deeper and richer discussions about faith with those you love
Prof. Paul Woodburn
Paul used his decade-plus of teaching experience and Doctor of Ministry to make sure this is for believers at all parts in their walk of faith