To raise Gods kingdom for those that we love


Our Values are the acronym S.W.O.R.D because it is by these values we fight the battles of life

Service- We value helping others like you. God is giving and we seek to do the same so you can have a better life.

Wisdom - Constant growth and improvement are a priority to provide you with the best.

Operative Leadership - We take the lead and responsibility. So, you can count on us to make the changes to serve you like Jesus.

Righteousness - We strive to give you only that which is grounded in the truth of the Bible. So, you can trust that you're getting the unaltered word of God in this age of compromise.

Diligence - We work around the clock. We strive to make sure you are getting our best. Also, the best products and services for improving your relationship with God.


The Founder Blinded

It was 2021. That's when God drew me back to Him. I lived without giving Him a thought. Until He made me blind while I was driving my semi. My vision returned after I got parked, but that got my attention.

I then made serious changes to align my life with God. I quit smoking, lost 80 pounds, and started doing what Christians ought to be doing.

The Journey Began

Along the way, I felt compelled to serve Christians. I then sold everything I owned to start Talking Cross.

I lived out of my semi and spent all of my extra time working on making our first product the Bible Button.

Our First Product

After about two years I finished developing the Bible Button and launched it. Now I'm working on our next version of the Bible Button with Talking Cross app. It is nearly done and I can tell you it certainly is ten times better.

One product I'm really excited about I must keep a secret for the moment. It was the first product I wanted to make but I couldn't afford to. When I can I will share it with you. Until then stay blessed!