The Founder Blinded
It was 2021. That's when God drew me back to Him. I lived without giving Him a thought. Until He made me blind while I was driving my semi. My vision returned after I got parked, but that got my attention.
I then made serious changes to align my life with God. I quit smoking, lost 80 pounds, and started doing what Christians ought to be doing.

The Journey Began
Along the way, I felt compelled to serve Christians. I then sold everything I owned to start Talking Cross.
I lived out of my semi and spent all of my extra time working on making our First product the Bible Button.
Our First Product
After about two years I finished developing the Bible Button and launched it. Now I'm working on our next version of the Bible Button, the Talking Cross app, and other projects I have in the works.
One product I'm really excited about I must keep a secret for the moment. It was the first product I wanted to make but I couldn't afford to. When I can I will share it with you. Until then stay blessed!